SNT-Group Eesti OÜ
SNT-Group Oy / Suomen Nauhatehdas, the parent company of the group, was established in June 2010 when the business operations and share capital of several companies was merged. The business operations of companies Suomen Naulatehdas Oy (established in 1948) and Lankatuonti Oy (established in 1964) and the share capital of the company Ulkohankinta E. Perttunen Oy (1972) were merged to form the group. TEN Oy trim industry and the share capital of Urvikko Oy were acquired in 2012 to increase the product range. In 2013, SNT-Group Oy signed a contract to purchase the shares of Ilari Syväpuro Oy.
Suomen Nauhatehdas’ main clients include the clothing, textile and furniture industries. The company also manufactures and intermediates products and various accessories and tools to companies in at least 61 other fields of activity.
Suomen Nauhatehdas operates in Tampere in Finland and in Tallinn in Estonia. The company also has independent representatives in Russia, Lithuania, Sweden and Denmark. There have even been clients from very exotic areas in the peripheral regions of Europe and even from Asia.
Suome Nauhatehdas is a rapidly growing company set on continuing investment activities and putting great emphasis on diversifying the product range, developing new and innovative products and providing the best possible service to its clients.
Welcome to new clients!